Paintings can evoke many feelings – sadness, nostalgia, trepidation, delight. When I look at Auguste Renoir’s paintings, I feel transported into another, softer, world – as though I’m viewing private moments of tranquility in idyllic lives. His paintings, like those of Fragonard, simply make me feel happy.
Renoir’s paintings feature daily-life subject matter, with a bright and warm aura often permeating his pieces. Although beginning his career as a porcelain painter, he soon realized his passion for painting and began studying at different art schools. Through school, he met Monet and Cézanne, later exhibiting his work at the Paris Salon.
At the time, paintings were primarily done in studios. Renoir – along with Pissarro, Monet, Degas, and Cézanne – rejected this idea and began painting outside, directly from nature. Thus, impressionism was born.
Luncheon at the Boating Party is one of my favourites of his; the scene appears candid and the colours add liveliness to the figures, making them feel less artificial. The subject matter is also quite interesting, as different people throughout the painting wear opposing expressions; the smiling woman with her dog contrasts with the woman in black, who appears distressed in the upper-right corner of the piece. This further adds to the realness of the scene, as not everyone is happy all the time (especially at networking luncheons, such as this appears to be).