Wolfgang Weingart is known as the father of new wave. Born in Germany he is an internationally known graphic designer and typographer.  Weingart developed New Wave design in the early 1970s and it started to gain popularity with the corporate culture of the time. Weingart studied applied arts and design at the Merz Academy for 2 years shortly after graduating he went on to do an apprenticeship for the Ruwe Printing.

While at the Ruwe Printing he studied about the well known Swiss style. He was so influenced by the swiss style that it shaped his design career, he started to create his own type of “swiss style” that was heavily influenced by its original. He explored  what he had learned and was motivated to find the perfect amount of design influenced by the International Style but take it to the next level and break the boundaries.This Exploration brought a new change to the way of design introducing the New Wave movement (also known as Swiss Punk Typography).