My sketchbook spread is made to resemble the back of a Barbie box. On the back of the boxes, the doll would always introduce herself to the child ready to play. This concept is a nod to my 2021 Graduation Collection from Vancouver Community College (VCC) called “Playing”. I was heavily inspired by children’s sensory toys and clothing. My vision was for each piece in the collection was to be a bright, fun, and tactile experience for the wearer and everyone who passes by. I want to build on my work from VCC and introduce my playful nature to my classmates. The Barbie Box represents me because I love to use my imagination and to play dress up. The usage of childhood experiences and memories in my work alludes to the sense of wonder I am always trying to chase.
Since learning how to sew, I love making my own clothes. In my illustration, I am wearing a bright dress I made last year. I am also surrounded by fun lively colours. I wanted to bring attention to the contrast between how I look and feel. The text describing myself is written in black letters because my personality is much darker than it appears. I love crime shows and heavy metal. I also love the idea of a kid picking up this box design and reading this candid text.
I’m giving myself an 8/10 because I think I could have made the contrast between my thoughts and outwards appearance more apparent.
The colours in the dress I chose to re-create are not accurate. They could have been more vivid. If I had accurately represented the dress. I could have emphasized the differences By adding darker colors around the text and made the font bolder and sharper. I also think I could have could have added detail into the background. It took me around 6 hours.