Not your average 20 year old. Passionate and love for creativity and Art

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Wolfgang Weingert

Weingart was known as “the father” of New Wave or Swiss Punk typography. He Changed how type was traditionally structured in Swiss Typography. He was a rebel of the time. He used metal type, paper, camera and a xerox machine… Continue Reading →

Go Canada Go

Carl Dair was a Canadian graphic designer that was mostly self taught. He was well known for his use of typography. He made new visual design principles for typography that are still used today. He published the book “Design with… Continue Reading →

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? It’s Super Graphics!

“Super Graphics was the expressive and decorative ideals of architecture and European geometric art in the Post-Modern time frame.” It is due to the drastic changes in design from the 1960s and 1970s. Barbara Stauffacher Solomon was one of these… Continue Reading →

Bass was Not Basic

Saul Bass was a big influence in the graphic design and film maker fields. He created a new and imaginative art style for motion pictures and film posters. He used simple shapes and outlines to display a feeling and an… Continue Reading →

Glaser and The Psychedelic

The Psychedelic period was in the 60s and changed the style of design at the time. Bright colours and interesting shapes made up the style. Milton Glaser was one of the most well known designers at the time, and was… Continue Reading →

Frida Kahlo-ohhhhh

Icon of Her Time! Frida is undoubtedly important in art history. She is an inspiration to many artists, particularly female artist’s as she was a revolution for woman-made art. Frida was in a bus accident that caused her lifelong health… Continue Reading →

Don’t lose Focus!

I will shoot you! (Its okay, I’m a Photographer)

The imPRESSion Invention

Get this! Imagine that you are writing a book that you want to sell. You can go to a print shop to reprint them as many times as you would like. But get this, way before modern printing technology, books… Continue Reading →

I’ve Got No Roots for a Home

African Khoisan/Bushman Rock Art Soon as I am South African, it is only customary to write about Africa. The title “No Roots for a home” comes from a song called “No Roots” by Alice Merton. In context, the Khoisan people… Continue Reading →

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