Mood boards organize ideas and convey feelings about a topic. It took me a while to become familiar with Invision as this was my first time using it. I started out by listing possible events I could research about in a notebook page. Then, I eliminated the ones which didn’t connect to each topic groups.

It was quite difficult to think of connections between events and topics, so this took me a long time to plan. I wish I had known we could choose topics outside of the three groups before I finished the mood board. I also had to be mindful of the significance of the events I chose because I couldn’t find too much information on minor events. Which is why I ended up with the three events: Bauhaus, Charles Lindbergh and US Stock Market Crash. They all had a great impact on the world, whether positively or negatively.

I thought the overall experience with Invision was a little confusing but stimulating. Despite the time and effort I took on this assignment, it was still very informative, and I learned a lot about different aspects of history. Finally, I would give myself a 9/10. I misunderstood part of the project criteria and ended up redoing the assignment halfway. But I planned the assignment well and worked very hard on the research and curating the mood board. If I reached out to my classmates or professor sooner, I could have probably avoided the confusion upon the project brief and take less time completing the project.