Chen D J, 2017, Couchsurfing: Performing the travel style through hospitality exchange. Tourist Studies, 6(02):1-18. In 2017, Chen discussed the change of Couchsurfing through ethnography, pointing out that couchsurfing has gradually developed into a fashionable way of travel from simple reception and service exchange, which is also a transformation of Shared accommodation from commercial to social. Chen’s study discusses Shared accommodation experience from a more essential perspective, which is based on the analysis of Shared accommodation from the perspective of anthropology.

Weed M. 2005, A grounded theory of the policy process for sport and tourism. Sport in Society, 8(02): 356-377. Weed in reality such as user reviews data as the research sample, using the crawler technology after data collection, using the method of grounded theory, tourists home stay experience perception model was established from the positive and negative evaluation of tourists and extracting high-frequency words, respectively, and the influence factors of positive and negative perception of tourists perception analysis, the article think that tourists to the urban and rural home stay home stay facility consistent positive perception of factors, mainly manifested in the geographical position, natural environment, cultural environment, the home stay facility characteristics and the interaction between subject and object, etc., and negative perception factors are different, Supporting facilities and sanitary conditions are the main influencing factors of tourists’ negative perception of urban homestay experience. Tourists’ negative perception of rural homestay experience is influenced by various factors such as geographical location, infrastructure and supporting facilities.​Tussyadiah I etal.,2016, Identifying salient attributes of peer-to-peer accommodation experience, Journal of Tourism Marketing55(8):1022-1040. Tussyadiah and Pesonen argue that Shared accommodation has three main effects on tourist behavior: first, the number of destinations available to tourists increases; Second, the frequency of tourists going out to travel increased; Third, the extension of its tourist stay.

Zervas G, Proserpio D, Byers J W. 2013.The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Estimating the Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry. Boston U. School of Management Research Paper. Through quantitative research, Zervas et al. found that for every 10% increase in the market size of Airbnb in Texas, the revenue of local hotel rooms would decrease by 0.37%.

Guttentag D, etal. 2017,Why Tourists Choose Airbnb: A Motivation-Based Segmentation Study[EB/OL] Guttentag et al. conducted a survey of 800 Airbnb users to explore Airbnb’s impact on the hotel industry as a “disruptive innovation”, and the results showed that nearly two-thirds of them would use Airbnb as an alternative to hotels.

Botsman R. 2014, Sharings not just for start-ups. Harvard Business Review, 92(9): 23-25. The article points out that tourists focus on three aspects of Shared accommodation. One is the location (adjacent scenic spots and regional features), that is, the geographical location of Shared houses, especially the distance between them and each scenic spot. Second, the host (service condition and hospitality degree). Tourists pay attention to the host’s service supply and hospitality degree in the process of sharing accommodation, which is an important content of their experience and perception. The first is the basic condition of the house, such as facilities and equipment. The more important point is its inner atmosphere. Tourists choose Shared accommodation in the hope of having “home experience” during their travel, so they are highly sensitive to the atmosphere of home.