For my comic, I am doing the Rocking Horse Winner. It is basically a story about a kid who’s family is poor and his mom keeps telling him how unlucky they are. He wants to prove to his mom that he’s lucky and help his family gain more money; therefore, he goes on his rocking horse to find which horse will be the winner of each horse race. His mom mentions at the beginning how they need more money and throughout the story the words “there must be more money” is repeated constantly. He starts hearing the words whispering over and over again in his house as a result of this.

I am planning to draw it in black and white with the presence of red only for the words (it will be done digitally). For my idea, I decided not to focus on a specific part in the story because as mentioned, the kid goes on his rocking horse to find out who the winner of each race will be and this is repeated throughout the whole story. What was not mentioned is how he finds the winner, so I decided to have my own creative intake on it and show what happens when he actually goes on his horse. In this case, the first couple panels will be somewhat random to set the mood and setting. Then it will show him in his room and on his horse rocking back and forth and as he does that, the horse slowly comes to life. In this process, he experiences who the winner will be by riding the horse first-hand. There will be no dialogue, instead the whispering sounds he keeps hearing become more and more intensified as he rides his horse.