UX Storyboard: Colin Jones – Group A

Three user storyboards using the text and arrow method
Three user storyboards adding the emoticons

In my group, we worked together to brainstorm scenarios that our user, Colin, would be likely to encounter in his regular life. We understood that strong design, activism, and social media would cater to his interests.

Launching off those points, we created three scenarios that had both positive and negative outcomes for the global goals which we wanted to get Colin involved in.

Each storyboard took the user profile into careful consideration but we felt that the second storyboard was the strongest of the bunch. The first storyboard, while realistic, felt stagnant and less compelling. The third storyboard is very straightforward and relatable, but we decided we wanted to focus on a positive outcome rather than a negative one. The second storyboard had considered his background as a university design student along with a very clear path towards his use of the global goals.

Final Storyboard