GDC Cross Platform Project

This cross platform project was done for GDC. GDC is a non-profit Canadian design organization where design students and professionals can interact with one another, use design resources, and obtain certification.

While GDC offers many valuable resources, they sorely lack the advertising to make students and professionals aware that they exist. Our group focused on keeping students aware of GDC’s presence, while also encouraging more interaction between the organization and students. To do so, we decided to create a recurring event that would happen once or twice per semester.

For this project, my group chose to go with an 80s aesthetic as that specific design style is currently trendy with today’s generation. It’s very nostalgic and goes with the theme of going back to GDC’s roots.

As for the event itself, Student Ambassadors would enter university classrooms, where they would give small presentations where they talk about what GDC is and any events or scholarships they currently offer. To help keep students engaged and to make the presentation memorable, Student Ambassadors will host various games. These games are based on existing ones to avoid any confusion, they are also all catered toward design and make them both educational and entertaining.

Students can win small prizes such as various art supplies. Afterwards, Student Ambassadors can take the names and emails of students who want to enter for the grand prize, which can be a one year subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud, or anything of the same value.

I would give my group members, Logan and Anna, a 10/10. Communication was very open, and if I ever ran into problems I could easily send my group a message and ask for feedback or clarification. As for myself, I would give myself an 8.5/10. While I feel that I contributed an equal amount of work to the group, I definitely feel like I could have organized my time better. I left a few things last minute, and if I had started on them earlier there may have been more time to go over designs and ideas to fix them up.

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