This is my last practicum blog post so I’d like to take it as a way to reflect on my whole experience. We the Collective was definitely something I initially did not see coming, I have never been well-versed in the land of Nintendo which just so happens to be their main client, nor had I considered myself as a strong UI designer. Now not only have I had my eyes opened through such a range of possibilities but I may just have to invest in a Nintendo Switch — for research purposes of course…

We the Collective’s team welcomed me in as one of their own and I am so grateful for that. Every team member I interacted with was more than happy to show me the ropes and their tips on how they create and design to the best of their ability and it has definitely made me a better designer for it. 

I first off have to thank all those I had the privilege to have one-on-ones with. Even if that was the only time I spoke to those individuals it was great to have that insight into their jobs, whether that be storytelling, video design, front-end development, project management, or strategy. Being able to share my own experiences in something that those are specialized in was a highlight I had. They were all eager to talk about their best practices and insights.

Now, I think at this point I must give a shoutout to those who were there for me every week, starting with Ike who helped me by showing his process on how he works to design and creating a universe that not only brings the webpage to life, but creates an accessible space for all viewers to enjoy. Along with that he was kind enough to help me when I was struggling with creative block, and helped me find inspiration and come up with ideas. Ariel and Melissa who showed me through their UI design process and let me work with them on a couple client projects. They also (indirectly) showed me that our jobs can be disappointing at times; after working on an element for a site for a couple days the client ended up not wanting to use it. A hard but good lesson to swallow. Brody and Naomi have been showing me the ropes through their advertising, something I haven’t experienced before but definitely look forward to experiencing and learning more about. Saving the best for last, Justin has been a great host these past 6 weeks and I have learned countless things from being here with his help. He has allowed me to work and learn in multiple departments and shared his own insights into those. Creating a space of constant learning and laughs, WTC should be proud to have such a great and hardworking Creative Director and team.

PS: it’s been super busy at the office this past week so I forgot to take photos. My last day of practicum is April 11th, so hopefully I can add some in then).