Survey 8: Charlestons and communists
(1915 – 1925)


Read: Should I work for free?

Optional extras:

World War One links
Gender Equity in Constructivist Russia
The Importance of Soviet Sports
Modernism you can wear to the beach: Sonia Delaunay

Franz Ferdinand album cover. Designed by Matthew Cooper
Franz Ferdinand album cover.
Designed by Matthew Cooper.

Documentary on Surrealism: The Stuff of Dreams & Un Chien Andalou

Un Chien Andalou — Eyeball Scene
Un Chien Andalou — Eyeball Scene

Un Chien AndalouUn Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) is a 1929 silent surrealist short film by the Spanish director Luis Buñuel and artist Salvador Dalí. It was Buñuel’s first film and was initially released in 1929.