Genghis Khan, the leader of the Mongol empire leaved his throne to one of his son Ogeide Khan. Since then, Ogedei Khan decided to follow his father footstep, finishing his work of establish a world of empire. He then conquered the rest of Persia, Korea and witnessing the destruction of the Jinn dynasty. In the year 1235, he began to build a plan to invade Europe (Battle of Mohi). The entire conquest lasted for two decade long.
Shubuta was the one who in charge for the Mongol invasion. In order to secure his victory, Shubuta sent several spies around the central of Europe area. After having a clear vision of Europe and their army, he divided his soldiers in to three army which head to Poland, crossed the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube. The three armies then eliminate the opponent in a short amount of times, regroup and defeat Hungary at the Battle of Mohi in 1241.
The invasion of Hungary
In the beginning, the Hungary made their first mistake of defy the Mongol army since they did not acknowledge how serious the situation is, some even expected that the royal army would handle everything. On top of that, Mongol army was a real risk while Hungary was unprepared for the invasion after such a long time living in peace.
The Mongol army used a strategy of attacking during the night time when the Hungary left their guard of. While the king was able to escaped with the help of his bodyguard, his army was brutally killed.
As a result, Mongol army killed up to half of the population and burn down most of the settles. Furthermore, they even destroyed all record of cultural and economic.

Lecture summary : This Wednesday lecture was a descriptive summary about printing and typography. We got to know the evolution of typography and a little bit about illustration in bibles from a long period of time. Furthermore, the lecture also included more information about the paper making process and how people know about it all over the world. I am personally really interested in all the example of old bibles especially ” the Book of hour ” which the designer had put a huge amount of detail to finish the entire book. I love the way they organized all the information in the book and making it interesting to the reader.