Bauhaus is the house to some of the most iconic furniture pieces in the world . Their furniture designs are modern, minimum and practical which were loved by many people during their time and its still has a strong influence on 21st century furniture design as we can see the similarity between Bauhaus and IKEA appliance.
Bauhaus furniture are simple, light and it do not have any additional decoration. All designs was often made with practical material such as wood, metal, plastics and glass. Moreover, Bauhaus designers focus on what their costumer can benefit from their product, they avoid bulky and over decoration design and they also restrict their color palette to three primary colour: red, blue, yellow. Bauhaus aim to create beautiful object but they also want it to be availible to the mass public.

The famous Wassily Chair by Marcel Breuer is a great example of a design that was able to deliver advances in material and technology. It was first created in 1926 which also opened the beginning of a new era in modern furniture that we are still familiar with nowadays. The chair design was inspired from the bicycle handlebar which explain its complex appearance but simple in construction.

Another good example would be the Cradle by Peter Keler. The design has an angled form supported by large circles instead of rockers and it is painted with red, yellow and blue accents.
Source : https://study.com/academy/lesson/history-of-bauhaus-furniture.html
Lecture summary: German gradually recovered from WWI. Weimar Arts & Craft school and Weimar Art Academy merged and became the Das Staatliche Bauhaus which last from 1919 to 1933. The student in Bauhaus learn a fusion of art and crafts and together they form their own distinct Bauhaus style. I am really into the Bauhaus movement how they were able to produce products that we can still use in the modern day, their typography is also interesting especially the Futura typeface . Their design are quite practical and way different from other movement in this current time.