I’m very impressed with Jon Foster as an illustrator and a person. He has a huge body of work which he updated on his website( which include a blog, demos, gallery. He specifies in oil painting and digital painting but he also does sculptor for reference.

Jon Foster was born in Rhode Island, New England. He is best known for his comic book cover for DC and Dark Horse Comics. He received an award from the Society of Illustrator, Dark Scribe Magazin and Spectrum.
Jon studied illustration at Rhode Island School of Design and he graduated in 1989. In the beginning, he illustrated for Magic: The Gathering and the games Dungeons & Dragons and Alternity. His works have appeared on numerous publications including National Geographic, Tor Books, BostonGlobe, Knopf and Little Brown ect.
In 2004, he returned to teach part-time at RISD. Additionally, Jon is a member of The Illustration Academy Faculty and travels to lecture at various school around America.
Jon frequently travels to lecture at various schools around the country, and is also a member of The Illustration Academy Faculty.

Jon artworks always have a unique modern colour palette, interesting cropping angle, effective use of light, applying rule of third and dramatic pose. For some of them, he even creates CGI sculpture as lighting references. In his blog, he said:
”The following are the sketches presented to Irene as possibilities for the illustration as well as the Zbrush/Blender 3D model created as lighting reference for the painting. A quick note on making and using 3D models as reference. It would be more efficient to get a model and take photos. As I work on the 3D sculpture I must find lots and lots of reference to inform the sculpting process and anatomy. In essence, I need reference for my reference. Still, I enjoy making the CG sculptures, and as I find the reference to help with the modelling I am learning about anatomy all over again. The process forces me to think around the form, to grasp the volume and structure that I may have glossed over in 2D. To sum it up, it’s fun and I’m learning something” ( the hand in this piece look so fascianting and wrong at the same time )
Also, I love the way he renders everything, he uses a variety of texture which makes his illustration stand out from others. Not only working with classic book and new paper over Jon also creates illustrations for popular TV shows which tells that the younger audience is interested in what he has to offer. One particular example would be the mural to promote Season 5B for the MTV series Teen Wolf (2015)

p.s Jon actually my main inspiration for my movie scene piece and I happy that found his work.