We’ve all seen people get rich famous after going viral on social media: Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black, PewDiePie, Tila Tequila, Psy, the Kardashians, the list goes on. All these celebrities got famous for doing something stupid. But you’re different. You can do better. Instapoetry is a relatively new trend so you’ve still got time to jump on that bandwagon and claim that you did it before it was cool. Here are [numer] easy steps to make bank!
Step 1: Go Viral
Sounds more difficult than it is. First of all, do you have an Instagram account? Good. Now think of something taboo. What is the one thing your mom would never allow you to make jokes about around the house? Got it? Good. Now think of a cool and q u i r k y way to capture it. You can use your phone camera but don’t be too cheap – if you need to invest in props, do it! You’re about to become a millionaire, I think you can afford to buy some fake blood or vomit or whatever… Once you have your picture, post it to your Instagram account but don’t make the caption too long. Make it look mysterious. It should look something like this:
Step 2: Wait for Conflict
If you’ve completed Step 1 successfully, your post should get deleted pretty quickly. When it does, complain. A LOT. Make a huge deal about it. This trauma is what your future poems will be based on, you’re never moving on. Make a few long posts about how unfair Instagram Community Guidelines are until you gain enough recognition from your followers. When you do, Instagram will probably apologize and repost your original taboo post. Great job!

Marina! This is so creative and cool. I love your biting tone; the sarcasm running through this is palpable. This creative project suits your paper perfectly. I find this hilarious and also terrifyingly true. Indicative of the larger context, and of our era. Great work here.