Step 4: Branding
Now that you’ve established yourself as a victim AND a poet, it’s time to widen your audience and make some money off of these fools. Your Instagram profile definitely needs some spice if you’re reading this lame blog. You need to pick a colour scheme and base all of your future posts off of it, it’ll look nicer this way. Hire a photographer, makeup artist, stylist, whatever you need to stock up on amazing photos of yourself while you still look young(er than what you’ll look like in a few years. It’s all downhill from here looks-wise). Follow your preferred colour scheme when editing the photos. Make sure you post a picture of yourself after each poem so that people know how pretty you are. Now you can stay young and beautiful forever.

Step 5: Get Filthy Rich and Famous
If you’ve done all the previous steps successfully, you should have about 1 million followers within a year. Now you can collect all the poems you’ve posted, put them all together in a book, and publish it. Congratulations! You are now very popular and rich.
P.S. This post is a joke.
P.P.S. If you do get rich following my advice, I’d like 49% of your earnings. Thanks.