I started to rethink this project at this phase and started to pursue a new direction which I was more excited about. When I presented this idea to my mentor, she felt similarly. Mainly because she could see that I was much more excited about this direction as well.
At this stage, we spent a long time with the logo and tweaking it so that it evoked the emotion of the brand. I felt that the logo would be key in defining the rest of the elements so I was more than happy to spend more time on it. I learned a lot about recognized space or “grains of sand” in a logo and how I can fill those spaces effectively. She also showed me the round pen tool which blew my mind! It’s changed the way I use illustrator and render out logos forever.
I give myself an 8/10 on this phase because I did have to do some extra work to catch up. However, I believe I did a good job of recognizing what wasn’t working about the brand and doing a quick 180 to fix it.