Practicum – Week 5

What?! How has it already been more than a month of practicum? Time flies!

I spent the entire week working on designing all the lofi wireframes for the new tea website that we are launching. It was something that I was tasked to start and finish entirely on my own, with eyes for approval, which I was grateful to be put on (but also definitely had some self-doubt moments!!) The client wanted the site to be through Shopify as well, so I had to design around those constraints. I’d never used Shopify before and was entirely new to how flexible designing around a Shopify template was and/or what we could potentially ask the developer to do. Overall, it was a big learning process but definitely a platform I would’ve needed to learn in the future anyhow, as most e-commerce sites are hosted on Shopify! The good news is, I can share screenshots of my work since the lofi is all grey and black boxes without any sensitive client info, haha 🙂

My progress towards the start of the week.

By the end of the week, I had finally finished all the lofi screens and fully designed hifi screens for the home page on both desktop and mobile sites. Pivot & Pilot uses this process so that when they are showing the client the wireframes, the client can see how the one hifi page looks and more easily envision the look and feel of the rest of the lofi wireframes. I submitted it to my Creative Director to look over and comment on, and I’ll probably be working on those revisions this upcoming week.

Finished all lofi screens and hifi screens of the home page for both desktop and mobile by the end of the week!

Throughout the whole week, I only remember one of my lunches that I made: a turkey ham sandwich with apples. It was so good, and Sebastian thought so too 🙂

Sebastian reaching for my sandwich.

Luckily, the majority of the week was sunny which definitely lifted the spirits. I sat by my window to work on most days and absorbed as much Vitamin D as I could.

Oliver taking in all the sun.

It was a long weekend at the end of the week and on Saturday, I celebrated my 22nd birthday! I spent the day with my family and ate a lot of delicious food. We bought a lobster, and my sister made a huge charcuterie board and a beautiful and delicious hojicha and oreo birthday cake! It was soo good! This weekend, the cherry blossoms were also in full bloom and everyone was taking pictures of it!

The hojicha oreo cake my sister made for me!
Cherry blossom tree near my house 🙂

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