Tasked with creating 200 original logos I started by creating a mind map of different directions that could apply to my brand. Luckily I had a lot to go with as I figured anything fun and happy can apply to my brand. I looked through the logo book in class and wrote down the kinds of logos featured in it as well to get my mind map going. For example logos that use circles, monograms, animals etc and then any idea that came off of that.

I struggled to get going, I started with my logo as it is now and tried other lock ups of the letters BEK. That well dried up fast and I started going through the things I saved on instagram for inspiration.

Hand lettering is a big thing for me so I went back to typography moodboards and played with little icons that had come up in my mind map.

I started my next set of 100. It was hard to get going again so I went back to my mind map and experiemented with my full name.

Once I started using color I got excited again and made some progress. I went back to playing with different typography and filling in anything I missed on the mind map.

I’m proud of myself for reaching 200 and it was fun to try so many different avenues. I thought I would be out of ideas after the first 100 but surprised myself by getting into it again at around 125. I’m going to give myself a 9/10 for pushing myself with exploration.