Costume design : the basics
Author: T.M. Delligatti
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Superheroes : fashion and fantasy
Author: Andrew Bolton
On the shelves at: : TT502 .B54 2008 c.2

The articles published in these journals are available through Discovery from the Library home page, or browsable directly on the Intellect platform.

Studies in Costume & Performance is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to encourage, generate and disseminate critical discourse on costume and the relationship between costume and performance. It considers costume as a symbiotic articulation of the body of the performer which is visual, cultural, political, material, temporal and performative. Whether performed live, mediated through a screen, or encountered in an archive, costume embodies and reflects not only the performance, but also societies, cultures and communities.

Clothing Cultures – We all wear clothes. We are all therefore invested at some level in the production and consumption of clothing. This journal intends to embrace issues and themes that are both universal and personal, addressing [and dressing] us all. Increasingly, as we all become accomplished semioticians, clothing becomes the key signifier in determining social interaction and behaviour, and sartorial norms dictate socio-cultural appropriateness. Following the rise of fashion theory, on an everyday level, we all understand that our clothes ‘say’ something about us, about our times, nation, system of values.

Film, Fashion & Consumption is a peer-reviewed journal designed to provide an arena for the presentation of research and practice-based writing within and between the fields of film, fashion, design, history and art history. The journal aims to unite and enlarge a community of researchers and practitioners in these fields, whilst also introducing a wider audience to new work, particularly to interdisciplinary research that looks at the intersections between film, fashion and consumption.

International Journal of Sustainable Fashion & Textiles is a-peer reviewed academic publication and the world’s first ongoing subscription journal dedicated to the area of sustainability and ethics in the fashion and textiles industry. Its principal objectives are to provide a platform for the advancement of sustainable fashion and textiles innovation, raise awareness of the environmental and social issues and disseminate how sustainable solutions can be implemented.

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture is a peer-reviewed journal specifically dedicated to the area of fashion scholarship’s interfacings with popular culture. It was established to provide an interdisciplinary environment for fashion academics and practitioners to publish innovative scholarship in all aspects of fashion and popular culture relating to design, textiles, production, promotion, consumption and appearance-related products and services.

International Journal of Fashion Studies is a scientific peer-reviewed journal that fosters the worldwide diffusion of Fashion Studies. Fashion Studies is an interdisciplinary field of research that has been producing an extensive repertoire of theories, analyses and enquiries.

Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion examines the multi-faceted dimensions of men’s appearance. It uses the holistic definition of dress as a means of examining the tangible and intangible aspects of creating and maintaining appearance. This journal is the first to exclusively focus on men’s dress and topics of gender, identity, sexuality, culture, marketing and business will be discussed.
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