do you know what does a Baroque​ building looks like? if no take a look at the pictures down below, it will definitely give you brief ideas of it

What is the Baroque​ Architecture style?

Baroque architecture is a style of architecture that began in the sixteenth century during the Baroque era. The Baroque architectural style used the Roman way of the constructions then the concepts were modernized, and a brand new fashion was created. The aim was showing the might of the Roman Catholic Church. The majority of Baroque architectures were used to demonstrate the wealth and power of the Catholic Church.

Features Of Baroque Architecture

naves in churches

1.Broad naves: churches have that, oval-shaped

2.Unfinished elements: one of the most famous elements of Baroque architecture is the unfinished architectural elements give the design a unique feature.

3.Lighting: the style used strong light and shadow to bring out the contrast.

4.Ornate finishings: Ceiling in Baroque architectures usually have a large scale. A common feature of Baroque architecture is the use of ornament, plaster or marble gave it a different decorative appearance.
