Impressionism and Post-Impressionism: Henri Rousseau (1844-1910)

Henri Rousseau:

Henri Rousseau was a French artist who is best known for his richly coloured and meticulously detailed works of lush jungle scenes, wild beasts, and exotic figures. His success mainly lies within his background as a self-taught artist and through this, he became the archetypal naive artist. Rousseau’s style showed his lack of academic training and amateurish techniques, such as incorrect proportions, one point perspective, use of sharp unnatural colours, and unusual compositions. His works were made fun of criticized by contemporary critics, but he earned respect of modern artists who admired him for revealing “new possibilities of simplicity”. For example, Surrealists, who valued surprising juxtaposition and dream-like mood characteristics, celebrated Rousseau’s art as they found these aspects in his art. Henri’s Rousseau created modern and unconventional renderings of traditional genres, imbuing them with a sense of mystery and eccentricity.

Henri Rousseau’s paintings surprised me. Through the Impressionism and Post-Impressionism period, many of the artists I have seen follow a similar style that is only distinguishable by a few features. However, Rousseau’s artwork is wildly different and I enjoy this change in scenery. His works are interesting and I think that if he did have academic training, he would not have achieved the style he is known for today.


The Dream (1910) (Oil on Canvas)
The Hungry Lion Throws Itself on the Antelope (1905) (Oil on Canvas)
The Snake Charmer (1907) (Oil on Canvas)
The Sleeping Gypsy (1897) (Oil on Canvas)
Scout Attacked by a Tiger (1904) (Oil on Canvas)



  • “Henri Rousseau Overview and Analysis.” The Art Story,
  • Vallier, Dora. “Henri Rousseau.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 29 Aug. 2018,

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