UX Storyboard

For this project, we were tasked with creating a storyboard to illustrate our persona having one of the global goals influence their life in some way – whether negatively or positively. The story is centered around a persona we chose, named Amanda Cho – a young university student with immigrant parents, who is studying industrial design. She is indecisive, overwhelmed with the state of the world, and is an avid discord user and gamer.

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Helmut Krone

While working for Doyle Dane Bernbach, Helmut Krone received arguably the most monumental commission of his lifetime: an assignment to advertise the new Volkswagen Beetle. The American automobile market in the 60s was saturated with big, gaudy, “stylish” cars – and Krone was tasked with selling a small, modest, foreign vehicle that didn’t match at all with the public’s taste at the time.

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