Max Ernst

A pioneer of both the Surrealist and Dada movements, German artist Max Ernst created what many consider to be the first Surrealist painting. One of the first painters to apply ideologies from Sigmund Freud’s “The Interpretation of Dreams”, Ernst spearheaded Surrealism with the dreamlike imagery and distorted perceptions of life which are prevalent in his work.

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Survey 8

When I think of the 20s, The Great Gatsby immediately comes to mind: its opulent parties, flapper dresses, and jovial music. With the increased popularity of the gramophone and radio, in addition to high morale after the carnage of WWI and the exponential economic growth in America, celebration was in order. Hence, the dissemination of jazz culture.

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Survey 6

This week, I was assigned a spread on science. I have chosen to do it on the early film, as I remember being introduced to several early films when I was younger – the strange imagery burrowed its way into my dreams. In particular, the moon from Voyage Dans la Lune and the train in L’Arrivée d’un Train à la Ciotat.