Glossary: Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics

1. General placement: simple and basic features, a sketchy of arrangement, a sense of shape.

Example: each one has self-awareness about his or her own physical appearances, but this picture is not what the other look at, it just a general placement

2. Non-visual awareness: people are aware of themselves, even though they cannot see what we look like.

Example: people can know their facial expression although they couldn’t see it

Another form of non-visual awareness is when people interact with inanimate objects. Example: like when driving, driver can receive more information beyond five senses report. The whole car became an extension of the body                                                                                        

3. Objectifying power: act of treating a person, sometimes an animal as an object, empowering the character by realistic art in order to emphasizing the difference among other characters

Example: when most of characters were designed simple, some certain characters were drawn more realistically to objectify them

4. Sequential art: art form that use pictures in a specific sequence in order to transmit purpose of storyteller

Example:  those pictures individually just a picture, but put in a sequence of related pictures, it will show the action

Hollow | Sam Alden

5. Pictorial: to indicate resemblance to the subject

Example: pictographs of ancient Egyptian depicts the image of the objects

6. Word specific combination: pictures illustrate, but don’t add to a largely complete text, the using of word is to transmit the meaning of images

Example: those pictures is using box of word to transmit the message in the picture contexts

GHOST PARTY — raspberrymilk: (by Aidan Koch)

7. Picture specific combination: words play the role of soundtrack to make the sequence picture clearer

Example: words only to describe the sounds effect that make the frames become more vivid

The disillusioned on Behance

8. Duo-specific panel: the use of both word and picture is to send the message in each frame

Example: Words are used to describe the sound effects, expressions, and thoughts of the characters, and the images make the reader easy to imagine

9. Montage: words become integral content of the picture

Example: The words are drawn large and heavy describing concepts that make the character tired

Love Comic Slides

10. Costume colour: The colour of the character’s clothes represents the character’s character. The colours were picked for strength and contrasted strongly with one another, but no colour dominated

For example, superheroes are depicted in costumes with bright primary colours, while villains are depicted in dark secondary colours.

Red represent the evil

Funny Comics