Supergraphics Innovators: Venturi and Scott Brown

Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown have been regarded as some of the most influential architects of the twentieth century.

The Vanna Venturi House – 1964

The couple met each other while teaching at University of Pennsylvania in 1960 and got married in 1967, Scott Brown joined Venturi’s firm in 1969, at the time named Venturi and Raunch as partner in charge of planning.

Children’s Museum of Houston -1992

Robert Venturi and Denise Venturi and Scott Brown both critical of the modernist doctrine that was being displayed in architecture at the time. The two wanted more electric architecture that integrated historic references into their work, a “gentle manifesto” which formed the basis for postmodernism.

Sainsbury Wing – 1991

As someone who considered becoming an architect when they were younger, these two alongside Frank Gehry were huge inspirations for me.  They held the ability to incorporate their art and talent into their works.

Fire Station #4 – 1968

As a young teen surrounded by grey block buildings with the prettiest buildings in town being skyscrapers with super reflective windows, Venturi and Scott Brown’s architecture made me realize that good architecture isn’t just a tall building with shiny windows, it’s so much more than that.

Seattle Art Museum – 1991
Fun Fact! A security guard yelled at me when I was ten for petting the ram sculptures lol


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