One of the most influential designers of the history of graphic design, as well as the first female principal at Pentagram, Paula Scher is an icon to the design world. She was born on October 6th 1948 and studied at the Tyler School of Art in Pennsylvania earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts. 2 years after graduating she was picked up by CBS records into the advertising department. Here she designed iconic album covers such as, Boston, Eric Gale, and Leonard Bernstien. After this she joined pentagram which is probably where she made the biggest name for herself as a designer. She developed the identify and promotional materials for several large companies here for example, Microsoft (Windows 8 logo in 2012), Coca-cola, Shakeshack, The metropolitan Opera, New York city department of parks and recreation and much more. Her style has been described as maximalism, saying less is more and more is more, the middle is not a good place to be.