
Robert Delaunay was a French painter who first introduced vibrant colour into Cubism and thereby originated the trend in Cubist painting known as Orphism. He was one of the earliest completely nonrepresentational painters, and his work affected the development of abstract art based on the compositional tensions created by opposite planes of colour.

Robert Delaunay, “Eiffel Tower,” 1910. Oil on Canvas, 20 cm x 16 cm. Solomon Guggenheim Museum, New York City
Delaunay was at first a theatre designer and painted only part-time. But he soon came under the influence of the Neo-Impressionists’ use of colour. By 1910 he had made his own contribution to Cubism in two series of paintings, cathedrals and the “Eiffel Tower,” which combined bits of Cubist form with dynamic movement and vibrant colour.

I admire Robert’s work. His work looks very modern and is quite minima which is pleasant to look at. He uses color well to make his paintings more playful and lively.