Day 1: SO NERVOUS! I spent the morning getting acquainted with everyone at PSDDB and getting my email and Microsoft Teams account set up. I dove in headfirst and was briefed on an extension logo project from a big rebranding project they were currently working on. I also briefly met up with art director/ designer/ IDEA18 alumnus Jesse Ellingson. Jesse and I met again in the afternoon to chat and to go over questions I had regarding the project. After work, I went for a run and was rewarded with a spectacular view. Not so bad my first day I guess :))

Day 2: Meetings on meetings on meetings! Spent the morning making logo iterations. I spent the afternoon sitting in on meetings with illustrators for an advertising campaign where I saw Cheyenne Manning from IDEA 18! I’m still feeling overwhelmed from all the info and meetings but I’m getting the hang of it a bit.
Day 3: I spent the morning working away at the logo iterations and searching for inspiration. Nothing seemed to be working today. I sat in on an illustrator briefing for the same campaign as day 2. I met with James Bateman, the creative director of PSDDB in the afternoon for some help in getting past my creative block. He suggested that I look at a variety of inspiration sources rather than fixating on things related to the client. I had fallen into a sort of tunnel vision trap and so my talk with him helped me get back on track! As soon as it hit 5, I received some lovely flowers from PSDDB!

Day 4: I Spent the morning working on logo iterations and met up with Jesse for some feedback and found a few other directions to try out. In the afternoon, I had my first internal crit session for the logo project. I was so nervous!! But it was a great experience! The team gave great feedback and briefly commented on their favourite concepts that I created. They also gave me a few more directions to try within each concept. Unfortunately, we ran out of time but James, Jesse, and I agreed to meet up tomorrow morning to discuss some more in detail.
Day 5: I Met up with James and Jesse in the morning to discuss the logo project. With the client meeting approaching, we needed to solidify which concepts to keep exploring and which ones to drop. In the afternoon, I was plopped into “Friday Shoutouts” with no context and was barraged with compliments. It was a great way to end the week haha!