Day 1: Continued work on the logo project (Project #1). Got briefed on a new project. PSDDB has just finished getting approval for a rebrand project for another one of their clients. My assignment was to create one of the first pieces of collateral while working closely with James and Jesse to test out how to apply the branding elements on various documents (I’ll call it Project #2). It was interesting to see how a brand is applied to such a wide variety of things, including corporate documents rather than just brand swag that I’d usually see on Behance or Instagram, etc.
Day 2: Today, we had the client presentation day for the first logo in Project #1. Spent most of the day making final adjustments to one of the logos and laying them out in the correct format for the presentation. In the afternoon, I went to the meeting. It was an interesting experience. The clients knew what they wanted and gave great feedback.
Day 3: We had the client presentation for the second logo in Project #1. Everyone was very engaged and involved when it came to the feedback this time. My stomach was hurting in the afternoon so I had oatmeal for lunch. I spent the rest of the day working on Project #2. I read through and observed all the work that James and Jesse put into the rebrand in order to get more familiar with it and started creating layouts.

Day 4: Was not feeling well today. I spent the morning working on Project #2 but sadly, working didn’t make me feel any better. I made the mistake of trying to power through and had to take the afternoon off. My assignment for the afternoon was to rest and try to get better. Oh well, Tomorrow is a new day.
Day 5: Felt a bit better than yesterday. I spent the whole day working on Project #2. It’s a print piece with lots of typography involved. I haven’t done a print piece in a while so it has been a challenge so far. But with time, I started getting used to things again. Everyone was pretty busy today so hopefully, I’ll be able to meet with James and/or Jesse on Monday for feedback.