Day 1: I started out my morning by making revisions to Project # 1 (the logo design project) based on client feedback. I also tried to continue tweaking and applying the layouts for Project #2 in the afternoon but I found it really hard to stay productive throughout the day. I was still feeling anxious from the grad show website launch and I was still nervous about booking chats with the people at PSDDB even though it’s been going pretty well so far. I’m starting to get really tired of doubting myself. But I also think it’s important to be self-aware. It’s all really hard to balance. I’ll get there someday. Hopefully 🙂
Day 2: I had another internal meeting to review my revisions for Project #1 in the morning. We picked the top 2 versions to present to the client. I also was assigned to create a few applications of the #1 top pick. In the afternoon, I sat in on the meeting for Jesse’s part of Project #1 (another logo) and had another internal meeting about Project #2. All the meetings were mostly meant to show James and Patty updates since they came back from their vacation week. It felt super reassuring to get more eyes on my projects and get a better sense of direction for improvements.

Day 3: This morning I met with the super lovely Rob Newell to discuss how strategy works in the industry. He gave me some great recommendations for books and people to follow on social media (I might just build a library at this point with all these amazing recs). It was also great to review what I learned in class and see what gets applied in the industry. In the afternoon, I had a chat with Asha, the project managing intern from BCIT! Although everyone has been super patient and lovely to me, it was so nice to meet another intern who could relate to my anxieties. I was mostly answering questions she asked though but we agreed to meet again though I’ll be able to turn the tables and ask the questions next time… *evil laugh* >:)

Day 4: I spent the morning working on applications for Project #1 and met with Alyssa, one of the project managers. It was nice to chat with her since we hadn’t had the chance for a 1 on 1 until now! It was also nice to chat about our love of cooking and baking. Also got to chat with Carolyn Jia, yet another IDEA grad! We talked about the differences between agency and in-house work and the benefits and downsides of both. She also gave me some great audiobook recommendations. Today was also the last check-in I had with Jesse during my practicum/before his multi-week break. We talked about what we’ve learned from this experience, exchanged thank-yous and music recommendations!! It really hit me that practicum was ending soon and that as challenging as it was, I didn’t want it to end quite yet.