Comics: a series or pictures that follow a narrative sequence
Cartooning: The focusing on key details of a figure, object or setting.
Panel: The frame in which comics are drawn.
Closure: The observation of parts while perceiving the whole of an image or series of images.
Gutter: The spaces between the panels of a comic.
Action to action: A type of transition in comics that features a single subject in the progression of a single action.
Aspect to Aspect: A type of transition in comics that features a bypassing of time and a wandering eye on different aspects of a place, idea or mood.
Negative space: Space around and between subjects of an image. When considered, it can strengthen the effectiveness of an image.
Spread: A spread is an image or series of panels that span over more than one page. Comics typically use two-page or double-page spreads.
Icon: Any image used to represent a person, place, thing or Idea.