The Ink Blot Excercise was very new to me since I have never done anything similar before. It gave me a lot of random shapes to play around with and ideas to explore. I visualized an old smoking man in the blot above and that is how my fisherman character was born.
I have also tried designing a character without this exercise but keeping general shapes in mind as well as their symbolism. I came up with a little prankster granddaughter design. She was forced to go on a fishing trip with her grandpa but at least she has her cat to keep her company.

My Characters ended up contrasting each other with the help of shape language. The fisherman is big and chunky but is very stable and grounded. I have added birds that started a nest in his hat to show how still and calm he is. His granddaughter, on the other hand, is very energetic and a little more chaotic. Her pose and a facial expression suggest boredom from spending a long day doing nothing. She is even being ignored by her cat that is more interested in marine life. All she has left to do is sit around waiting.

I have collected a few images to help me set the mood for my illustration. I was planning to do a midday atmosphere and have collected reference materials not only for style but also for elements that would be in the final image as the boat and the fisherman suit.

I have decided to deviate from my inspiration board and draw a theme of sunset. I have realized that it would help to set the mood of a long day that has done by.

I have stuck with a limited palette for my illustration adding some of the cools into the characters to bring the eyes attention to them. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks!
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