My overall experience with TRIUMF has been positive despite Covid-19 restrictions of working from home. In this final blog post, I would like to thank everyone who made my practicum possible and all the people that I got a chance to work with: I have made a couple of good friends and found the first contract job of my beginning designer career.
I will be staying with TRIUMF for additional eight weeks working based on an hourly rate. There are still a couple of things to add to the Interactive map and a few infographics that I will be producing. I will also collaborate with Diana Castaneda on a few tasks like the arts & culture page. Below is a work schedule that Diana has put together for me as initial timeframe guidelines.

Once my contract (that we discussed and went over) is signed, I will start my work on the nineteenth of March 2021. Since my job depends on an hourly rate, I would need to track my time. I will be using Harvest to help me stay organized and well-timed. It is easy to track how much each task takes you. The example below demonstrates how you can organize your time table.

Since I’m recommending online tools, I would like to mention Miro (a tool used for web planning). It is easy to visualize and navigate a site once there is a solid site map sketched. Miro allows you to use sticky notes just as you would on a whiteboard, and you can add more sticky notes to the ones that are already on the board. The same can be achieved with Sketch, but with Miro, it is possible to share your plans with a whole team of people. Everyone can edit the site map, while Sketch is available for individual use. Below are some examples of how TRIUMF organized their Miro layouts.

Figma is a great tool similar to Miro as well, so it’s up to your preference which one you choose.
This concludes my final blog post about my experience with TRIUMF. Thank you for taking your time to read my posts and coming along the ride during my stay with my practicum place.
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