For this project, I was lucky to stumble upon the Hangul alphabet during my research. As soon as I looked a bit more into it, more and more fascinating facts came up. I decided to tackle the project with a pen and pencil crayon. I first made a rough sketch of all the pages to plan the design, then carefully resketched it on a fresh piece of paper. After that, I went over the sketch with my favorite black pen, then finished the project by subtly coloring illustrations with my colored pencils. In regards to the type part of the project, I attempted to hand-print the facts in a uniform way cohesive to the integrated Hangul. I believe I deserve a 9.5/10 for this project because I followed the criteria to the best of my ability, adding my style and creativity to it. The flow of my project is smooth, including neat illustrations to keep the reader engaged. I spent 3 hours finding the facts about Hangul as well as summarizing it, 2 hours on the pre sketch, and 7 hours on the final project.

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