As the ModeAs the Modernist Era came to an end the exciting Post-Modern Period came into play with numerous young designers eager to break free of the constraints of earlier Swiss design principles. While they still follow many of the base rules of Swiss design, this era of designers pushed themselves into taking more risks with contrast, alignment, layering, etc. I think the “Postmodernism mindset” of breaking free of past constraints is an amazing idea that all designers today should live by. We should already be breaking free of constraints and pushing ourselves to keep reinventing design. However, still learning from masters of the past and improving from them. Siegfried Odermatt’s design stood out to me. His designs have a lot of Swiss principles prominent in them, yet still, feel fresh and timeless. His layouts are creative and unique and you can see them breaking free of the typical “Swiss Grid”. Looking back at the Post-Modernism period always inspires me as a designer to push my constraints and come up with new creative ways of visual communication which is honestly the mean to why I joined this program.

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