The Breuer Lattice chair
This project was super open-ended so I had to think for a while about my topic. In the end, I decided on something to do with the Bauhaus and Marcel Breuer has interested me since I saw his works. Most of his furniture uses steel so I had to find one that I would be able to do and the lattice chair worked great. I went for a roughly 1/3 scale model using wood and paper and used my extremely limited woodworking knowledge to put it together. the staging was my desk and a book for the black part to emulate how the furniture was shown off at the time. I also made my description in the Bauhaus style and tried to get it to blend into the white wall to embrace the pristine modern ideas. Overall I feel I did pretty well in following the brief and creating my object and spread while also having a fun time doing it. I did give myself a big challenge so it’s not perfect but I still would give myself an 8.5-9/10.
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