Resume for Kitfox Games

The resume I have designed is catered to Kitfox Games, a games company based in Montreal. Kitfox creates a variety of games and pride themselves on exploring and creating new and different worlds.

I decided to make the theme of my resume based on video games, using fonts similar to older video games, as well as using icons reminiscent of early computers. The headings and sub-headings use video game terminology to further the concept. I chose to use teal as the main colour to keep things simple and consistent, as well as the fact that it is my favourite colour.

Based on the organization of the layout and how I have executed my concept to fit the company’s brand, I would give myself a 9/10.

Sustainability 101

Initial ideas and rough drafts

Final Product


The concept of this poster is based on the idea of the different paths designers can take to achieve sustainable design. To push this concept I wanted the visuals to resemble that of a map, hence the layering colours to represent the height of mountains. The four dashed lines are meant to symbolize the four pillars of sustainability. A more rounded type was chosen to make the poster welcoming and modern. The shades of green were used to represent the environmental and global impact of design, as well as the fact that it works with the type to create a calming visual.

Self Evaluation

For this project I am giving myself an 8/10. Visually, I feel that I have done well on this poster. Although I can see how my concept of a map and diverging paths may not be obvious to people right away. For that reason I believe I could have pushed my visuals more to make the idea behind the poster more apparent.