Phew! All wrapped up!

So for this time period, our group was Science and Technology; an interesting section to be assigned, as there’s no lack of innovation in that department, particularly towards the end of the era.


Our in class lectures focused mainly on the dawn of written language for this period and we ended up highlighting the invention of paper as one of the most important and interesting jumps forward as a nod to this. To highlight that, I wanted to try making paper from scratch as an artifact base; this would serve as a cool exercise and create a great base for the next portion, because handmade paper is no good without something interesting on it!


To remedy that, we looked for something that would fall within our sphere of Science, Medicine and Technology but could also work with the paper angle. I thought it would be interesting to try drafting a replica of the Hippocratic Oath for this, as his work and discoveries were still within our purveyance as a group but it’s also a hugely important document that still sees daily use even today. No doctor graduates without swearing the oath, and the famous tenet “First, do no harm” is iconic, so I thought it would be a neat fit!


All in all it came together pretty decently, many portions of this were way more difficult than anticipated but it was a great learning experience despite navigating the hiccups and I had a great time with it!