
Yearbook Spread

The objective of this project was to make a handmade spread for an imaginary yearbook that measures 17×8.5” flat.

Ungraded, this was a simple way to introduce myself to the class as well as practice visual communication and storytelling skills. I did my yearbook spread vertically to suit the theme of a playlist on a mobile device. Music is one thing that always finds a way to bring me joy, and as I was jamming to some music while brainstorming, I thought to do a theme of an illustrative playlist of songs that I like, yet are also titled to reflect the prompts. As I went over each of the questions, I thought about songs that would be able to introduce each topic. Each subheading found on the work below is the title of a song. I thought this would be a playful way to introduce myself also while others in the class might be familiar or intrigued by the songs as well.

I was inspired to base my layout off of a Spotify playlist found on the mobile app and then customized different colours and altered the placement of buttons. I also chose the colours of the background because I like earthy tones and believe they had a striking contrast against each other.

All in all, I think the project turned out the way I laid it out for myself from beginning to end. There were changes made along the way, like making the colours of the background dark purple to match the purple tones in the painting of myself instead of a dark teal. I think the alignment and theme very well express my pleasure for graphic design and my adoration for painting in the mediums I used. However, if I were to do things differently next time, I think I would add more personal imagery. But if I were to rate my project, I would give it an 7.5/10.

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