The film “The Beasts of the Southern Wild” by  Benh Zeitlin explores the views of climate change though a young girl named Hushpuppy. The film revolves around her views of the harsh world and the relationships between her and her father. The film contains unique forms of transitions and shots and I wanted to explore what meaning they held as the director seemed to make these stand out so much. It takes on a very personal view. This view is demonstrated with the camera shaking almost resembling that the audience is present in the current situation, and also creates more drama

As the movie is through a child’s mind, they don’t have much knowledge about the events going on around them and this is especially significant when facing something new. I believe that the creative cuts, transitions and shots, the director shoots has purpose in relating to hushpuppy’s understanding of the world. The film at times during disasters or during sudden events, takes on a very blurry and unfocused mood which shapes the child’s confusing to what’s going on. Where as when the camera is very infocus near the end of the movie it portrays that the child has matured and has a better knowledge of the world itself.