Max Beauchesne


Survey 4 – Steam and the speed of light (1750-1850)

Friedrich Koenig’s Steam Press The steam press was invented by Friedrich Koenig in 1814. It was created with the combination of the power of steam and rotating cylinders. This was a massive improvement…

Survey 3 – Block books and baroque (1450-1750)

Porcelain and Pianos While doing my research for the mood board I found a couple of things that piqued my interest but weren’t notable enough to be a whole event or topic. One…

Mood Board Project

Block books and baroque (1450-1750) My timeline was Block books and baroque 1450-1750 I chose the invention of the printing press, porcelain and silk trade, and the 30-year war Overall, InVision was pretty…

Late Gothic & Early Renaissance

Jean Fouquet Jean Fouquet was a 15th-century painter born in 1420 Tours, France. He travelled to Rome, Italy in 1446 where he was able to study Italian art and paint the portrait of Pope…

Survey 1 – Ancient Egypt

Architecture – Pyramids Pyramids are the most notable architecture in Egypt. I have always found ancient Egypt interesting due to its mythology. Its pyramids are no different as they display the relationship between…

Visual Research 2 – Proximity

Visual Research 2 – Closure

Yearbook Spread

Visual Research 1

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