Sharleen Ramos

Just another Capilano University ePortfolio Sites site

Week 7: Client Input – It’s Going Somewhere!

The biggest thing I think is different from school is our work is going to a real client! Also, our instructors and student peers have been replaced with creative/art directors and co-workers! I’ve learned the most from the impact of… Continue Reading →

Week 6: Barges, Speedboats and Submarines

Right out of the gate, I was able to experience Rethink’s right mix of projects that are still moving along today! Several other projects with shorter timelines and tasks have also filled my time, but these two are ones I… Continue Reading →

Week 5: Breaking Time

I’m taking a break from a chapter in Rethink’s book but will pick up next week on some metaphors underwater! I’d like to spend a little more on one topic: good old time. Specifically, learning how to manage time in… Continue Reading →

Week 4: Listen & Learn

Since we are the halfway mark, I thought I’d share some tidbits on how the coffee chats are going! We are encouraged to have a coffee meeting every day for at least 4 weeks. Since we’ve gone virtual, I’d had… Continue Reading →

Week 3: Keep Going!

Into the third week of the practicum, I felt like I’m feeling a little mini-retrospective. I think this is because I’m at the end of a few things this week! In Rethink’s book, KG or Keep Going is what’s said… Continue Reading →

Week 2: And Now It’s Time For Shallow Holes!

Seeing if I can stick to the whole blog to Rethink book chapter theme thing going, this week’s blog is going to be about Shallow Holes! This means to widely explore and proof test concepts in the early stages. For… Continue Reading →

Week 1: Rethink The Welcome

The week before practicum was filled with nervous knots and eager excitement! Coming off the end grad show prep, it was a surreal mental shift realizing my first day was looming! Haluka and I were sent a Welcome letter, Survival… Continue Reading →

Mentorship Project Final Blog

In this whole process, I learned how to execute a cohesive brand from research through to refining iterations. The most rewarding parts were: the refining stages as the time spent was a level detail more than I spent before in… Continue Reading →

Mentorship Project Phase 4

This rationalize/articulate/sell stage includes presenting top concepts and finalizing the direction of the top concept. The top 3 concepts are: 1. Abstract: more abstract representation within geometric squares 2. Deconstructed: arranged as organic shapes and terranes are shown deconstructed 3…. Continue Reading →

Mentorship Project Phase 3

Phase 3 is the push/refine stage and includes continual digital application from sketching ideas, presentation of top concepts, and deciding on the top concept. This was the longest phase and there were a couple of rounds of feedback. In the… Continue Reading →

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