Practicum Week 2 @ Metalab

Alright, week 2! This week was a lot more hands than week one. As I mentioned in the last post, the project I was put on to shadow was quickly wrapping up. However, as a little bonus for the clients, I was asked to create additional styling for a couple of screens and for their email template. It was an interesting assignment because I had to use specific guidelines for a portion of the product and then experiment with completely different styling for another portion. In the end, the team organized the Figma files well enough to pass along to the client and after our last meeting with them, we had a virtual celebratory drink together as a way to celebrate the end of a two-year project.

My little work space

In between this assignment, my coach Jeremy also gave me another exercise to work on, an exercise called a Tarantino. It’s a design test that Metalab uses during the interview process. The brief for this specific exercise is to create a scooter app that is mounted to rental scooters available in the city of your choice and it’ll need to focus on creating the best possible experience for touring that city. The only constraint is the size of the screen but other than that, you’re free to do what you like! I started by doing research on scooter rentals, coming up with a user, looking at the competition, and then jotting/sketching down features I would like for an app like this. So far, I LOVE this exercise. I find it super liberating to go as creative as I want while also designing the flow and look of it. Originally this exercise is meant to be created within 10 hours but after going over my ideas with Jeremy, we decided that I can work on it as a personal project during my time here and my goal now is to have a portfolio piece by the end of this practicum!

a bit of research

My next week heading up is looking pretty interesting as well. I’ve already been told which project I’ll be on and it sounds exciting – a live sports app. What I’m really enjoying about my time here (and a big reason I chose an agency like Metalab) is the variation of projects that they work on. They seem to work within a lot of different industries– from fintech to mental health to pups, there’s constant learning involved in each project. I love it because aside from learning about a specific topic, you also get to learn about human behavior in that space, it’s super fascinating. With that said, I’m off to learn more about the sports world 🙂

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