While I loved the Art Nouveau style and wanted to create something related, the German Plaktstil/Sachplakat style also stood out to me as it was a completely 180° from the highly decorative aspect of Art Nouveau. I like the simplicity and the graphic quality of the posters so my artifact is half a replica of a Ludwig Hohlwein poster advertising fancy riding lessons. While I kept the illustration the same, I changed up the copy below to the paragraph explaining the significance of the Sachplakat style in the history of visual communication. I chose to follow the original lettering style of the copy for the description to keep within the authenticity of the original.
I placed the poster on a backdrop of newsprint to show a contrast between the boldness of the Sachplakat style to plain text type. This goes to show just how effective this style could be in a sea of text and how the viewer does not need to try very hard to understand what is being advertised as its clearly stated in the imagery and text.
I definitely planned well in advance but left the execution for a bit later. Though I wrote the paragraph several times before and revised a couple of times as I went along, I still had trouble getting it perfectly down on the paper and despite the pre-planning, mistakes were made as I went to the inking stage. This just makes me appreciate the magic of working digitally even more.
I could have worked out the dimensions of the poster to be a bit bigger to fill up the eventual space allotted, but I actually quite like the layout of the final result. I know I could’ve experimented a bit more with layout before I landed on this.
I also really enjoyed painting the illustration part at the top of the poster as its in a style completely different from my own. It was a great exercise in simplifying shapes and colours for the sake of clarity and I think I did alright in replicating that part!