Amplification through simplification – The simpler the visual, the easier it is to relate to it (what cartoon is for Scott McCloud.

Bleeding – panels run off the edge of the frame and don’t contain time. Time escapes into space and a mood is set (commonly used in Japanese Manga).

Closure – observing a part of an image but perceiving the whole (Seeing a sharp claw and imagining the whole monster).

Comics – Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer (single panel cartoon/image is not a comic).

Doodling – To make spontaneous marks to help the mind focus and concentrate.

Gutter – the space between the panels (panels fracture time and space transforming 2 images into 1 idea).

Icon – any image used to represent a fixed visual of a person, place, thing or idea.

Mono-sensory medium – Information that can only be conveyed visually but can trigger other senses (seeing a picture of boiling water can trigger imagination to hear the boiling up bubbles).

Pictorial – something that is expressed in pictures or is illustrated. Has to have some resemblance to the subject (vs Egyptian hieroglyphs are representations of sounds).

Synaesthetics – uniting the senses by using visual cues in comics to express emotions and the other five senses.

Zip Ribbon – motion lines that represent objects moving through space (very important in action and superheroes comics).