Digital Media II – UX Storyboard

Last week, the class of IDEA 23 was assigned to develop a storyboard by utilizing a 4-step process depicting an assigned user story/persona and how they would utilize one of the global goals ( in their daily lives.

The Concepts

The class was split into groups of 4, each group collaborated to come up with three text + arrow method storyboard concepts. Below is my group’s storyboard freehand board which we worked on via Invision:

Our three stories have varying focuses: the first one is a positive concept involving all global goals. Second is a negative concept involving an unawareness of goals. The third concept is a positive, but more specific one compared to the first story concept.

We utilized the pyramid narrative structure (Exposition, Rising Action, etc.) to provide a clear, straightforward story for each of the three concepts. The emojis implemented onto each concept are a visual aid, allowing us to plan what emotions we want to depict at that certain point in the story concept.

Following this, we later reviewed the three stories. After a brief discussion, our group recieved approval (by our instructor) for the third option in this board. The third option depicts our user persona, Colin Jones, a design student, in a situation involving Global Goal #12 : Responsible Consumption and Production.

Our group’s final, approved choice!

The Storyboard

Once we had chosen our story, it was up to each of us to create an individual storyboard to accompany the story concept. Choice of medium was dependent on personal choice, thus I decided to create my storyboard through a digital medium. This includes Adobe Indesign and Photoshop to assemble the final product below:

Comic-style storyboard by David Bautista (me)

The comic layout was chosen as it follows a left-right reading order due to its common usage in western media. A narrative caption structure was used to lead the viewer thorughout the panels with the goal of maintaining the reader’s interest in mind.

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