Week Four at Danica Studio ( 22nd – 25th )

This week was a slow and steady one. I finished up handing in the firework illustration surface design project by taking all the various layouts I made and plopping them into an InDesign presentation and handing in the PDF to be sent to the buyer to look over. I also worked on my novelty cat designs for two doormats for a key account. (sort of a big deal maybe..) I was given a fast deadline to look at inspiration images and start making designs with cats and catchphrases that were given to me. Everything I sort of put on hold to dive into this project because it has the quickest deadline ( 1 week and 1/2). I worked a bit on the weekend to get a bit more ahead than I would be starting Monday.

This project this week I was mainly doing sketches and more refined sketches in procreate. I realized though going back and forth between making sketches and getting feedback is a bit of a process so make sure to leave yourself a lot of time. If I were to go back I think I would have worked some extra hours after work. But that’s apart of the learning curve, to be fast and efficient. I also tried working on some packaging design updates but didn’t get too far on that due to back and forth as well. And I also did some interesting inspiration hunting and shared some thoughts and ideas on trends and current movements. I participated in a few more meetings and future plans for Danica and new surface design projects. I am doing my best to contribute but am hoping to be even more involved and put in my thoughts or insight when there is an opportunity to do so.

There was a very strange day that happened this week and that was when I went into the Capilano University building to do some computer updating with my teacher to get the newer adobe suite. After waiting, updating, waiting and then it was done I tried to use my “H” key on my keyboard but it wasn’t working properly… Found out I will need to get it fixed but after my practicum, because it takes two weeks to replace the whole keyboard.

On a final good note, I enjoyed spending some time on my Thursday basking in a sliver of sun on our deck. So take advantage of those sunny days and get outside! ( I keep telling myself to do that)

This is the front entrance of Danica, I never actually enter from the front but the back entrance where I park 🙂

These are sketches from novelty cat doormat surface design project.

Lastly some revised sketches I did in procreate.

I do have more artwork revisions but I think they should remain a secret. You never know one of these developed sketches for the doormat design could be chosen to be sold in store.

Stay Tuned… 😀

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