Survey 3( Isaac Newton& Gravity)

Isaac Newton, one of the most famous physicists, was born on 4 January 1643, at Woolsthorpe Manor in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth. No need to more explain his life, he is too famous hard to introduce him differently for avoiding repeating of the same stories. Now, just directly reflecting on his achievement in finding gravity.

A widely known story is that after Newton was hit on the head by a fallen apple, he began to think of the reason why the apples fall but the stars do not. After serious reflection, smart Newton got the answer, gravity. However, truth is not only a straightforward fairy tale.

First off, Newton was considering why the apples always just straightly fall down but not gone up or change its direction of movement in the air. Then, he presumed the existence of something that attracts the apples to move towards the center of the Earth. This is the most initial gravity, and then he tried to calculate if this theory is workable for the moon which is much larger and far away. Afterward, by comparing his calculated result with the observed information, he got the answer that everything has this kind of ability to influence all the other stuff.

Nevertheless, except technically the unimaginable amounts of calculation and observation for the moon, one of the well-known problems is the conflict between Newton and Robert Hooke. Indeed in the earlier time, about the exploring of Opticsn, light, Hooke strongly opposed Newton’s hypothesis and thesis. They were endlessly struggling with each other in that period, and even when Newton was calculating the gravity, he was fighting with Hooke in the letter. Finally, when Newton proved the existe of gravity, Hooke was also clamming that find gravity is his achievement but not Newton. Ultimately, those increasing discord caused a serious problem after Hooke dead. Newton destroyed all the portrait of Hooke and was even trying to clean all Hook’s personal information.


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