#7 – Break Content into Short Paragraphs

Break long paragraphs into short 1-2 sentence paragraphs to keep ideas simple and easier to read. Emails are usually written this way for clarity and so can your website content. Scanners often read the top line of each paragraph to gauge whether or not the topic is useful to them before reading the rest. Example: Capilano University has earned an international reputation for quality teaching, programs and services. We strive to instill the knowledge, skills, motivation and attitudes that will enable our students to become independent thinkers and learners, and to contribute effectively in a rapidly changing world. Capilano University is well known for providing a solid academic foundation and is committed to developing new and innovative programs in response to market demand. We offer a complete range of preparatory courses, arts and sciences courses, business and management studies, creative and applied arts programs, health and human services programs, plus a range of services in support of student learning and success. Credentials awarded include bachelor degrees, associate degrees, post-baccalaureate diplomas, advanced diplomas, certificates and statements of completion.

#11 – Use Descriptive Links

How often do you see links like these on a website?:
  • http://www.capilanou.ca
  • click here
  • https://www.google.ca/search?q=capilano+university+logo&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwif_tW7wubTAhVI9mMKHZ2eDtEQ_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=941#imgrc=3gc95mdmvA45iM
These types of links can be seen as untrustworthy as it’s hard to tell where they go. The best practice is to use descriptive links. For example: “Many programs and courses can be found on the Capilano University Website

#12 – Use New Tabs for Files and External Sites

Keep people where they left off. If you’re linking to an external website or to a document (.pdf, .docx, etc.), be sure to open the link on a new tab. This will prevent people from leaving your site and they can go back to where they last left off by clicking the previous tab. For internal links, open links on the same tab.